Monday, October 10, 2011


Have you ever finished reading a book and you want to immediately go back to the first page and read it again?  That's exactly what happened to me with Moon over Manifest.  If I could, I would give it 6 stars on Goodreads -- yes, it's that good.  This is the story of a girl, sent by her father to live with friends one summer during the Depression.  But it is a story of so much more.  In her search for her father's history in town, she discovers the history of the town through the era of the immigration, the coal mine and the company store, and WWI, and revives the heart of the town.  Yes, I cried.  And so will you.

1 comment:

  1. OK ... I need to read this book! Two books that left me with a similar feeling are Dahl's "Danny the Champion of the World" and Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird." That lens into the not-too-distant past always draws me in.
