Yes, I am a sports fan, but the March Madness I am talking about is the 4th annual Battle of the Books conducted by School Library Journal. I can't believe this has been going on for 4 years every March and I just found out about it. Here's how it works: each year staff at the School Library Journal select 16 books published the previous year. Those books go head to head in brackets and are judged by other authors. Here is a link to this year's brackets: 2012 BOB Brackets The final round brings back one book "from the dead" to go against the final two.
As decisions are made, the judges blog their decision and the reasons for it. I have been able to keep up with the blog this year and am fascinated with their process. My only regret is that there aren't enough hours in the day to read all these wonderful books.
When I saw the brackets my immediate thought was that whichever of "Okay for Now" or "Wonderstruck" was eliminated would be brought back for the finals, but, having read some of the decisions, now I am not so sure. What do you think?